Legal Education Seminar at the Tel Aviv Bar


CWJ continues to teach its tort strategy to attorneys across Israel, in partnership with local Bar Associations. On April 3, 2014, Dr. Susan Weiss led a seminar for 50 legal professionals at the Tel Aviv Bar Association, introducing them to CWJ’s approach and offering pro-bono consulting assistance to attorneys who employ this tactic for clients. Questions and comments that followed the session made it clear that participants were eager to learn the details of CWJ’s pioneering strategy. “The seminar gave us concrete tools that can be very helpful,” said one participant.

CWJ is grateful to the generous friends who make the Legal Education initiative possible: Boston Jewish Community Women’s FundDavid Berg FoundationGreater Miami Jewish Federation Women’s Amutot InitiativeJewish Women’s Foundation of New York, Inc., Jewish Women’s Foundation of South Palm Beach County, and the Tikkun Olam Women’s Foundation of Greater Washington, as well as those donors whose general support provides a secure foundation for advancing the project.